
The Ring with Stone Can Tell You The Wearer’s Emotions

Since ancient times, these wondrous and seemingly enchanted articles of apparel have been worn by people. The first known items of their type may trace their lineage back to ancient times in the Far East. It is said that the wise man who was advisor to the emperor gave the leader a fool proof way to read the hearts, minds and souls of the subjects who came to ask him for help with different matters. The wise man advised him to bestow rings on his subjects. These accessories should have a stone which changes colors as the wearer's emotions changed. In that way, through the mechanism of understanding the mood ring color meanings for each shade, the Chinese emperor was able to accurately understand the people's reasons for asking and the emotional state that they were in at the time.

In present days, these ornate pieces of jewelry are used as an accessory item. But now it is more of an article of clothing that is customarily worn by teen aged girls and young ladies who wish to make a statement of fashion. There is no one who has been proven to understand why the various shades come and go, but each hue represents a certain emotional state.

When the ring is blue, it usually means that the person wearing it is peaceful and calm. Indigo means that the person is in a spiritual state, and the person whose stone is purple finds him much closer to the spiritual realm. This shade also may indicate that a person is now in love.

Purple shows the world that the bearer is in an out of control emotional state. Green shows that the wearer is calm and peaceful, and that the person is generally well rounded.

Black indicates severed emotional or mental distress, and a life in disarray. When the stone becomes brown, it means that the owner holds no fear at all and that he possesses enough courage to face and conquer whatever comes his way.

The color yellow is a beacon for all that shows a great mental charge, and the presence of a lot of mental energy. Pink means an intense love. Different shades can have many different mood ring color meanings.

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